40K Miles in 23 Days - Japan Vacation Photos

by Kyle Nicholson in


40 Thousand miles in 23 days is easy. It only takes the following trip: Cincinnati - Raleigh, NC - Dallas, Tokyo, Nagano, Kyoto, Tokyo, Chicago, Boston, San Francisco, Chicago, Cincinnati, Chicago, Beijing, Shanghai, Qingdao, Shanghai, Beijing, Chicago, Cincinnati.

17 flights, several Japanese Bullet Trains, and one boat.

Here are 10 random thoughts.

  1. Japan is super clean.  Even the side alley ways are cleaner than any streets we have in the U.S.
  2. Bicycle is the best way to get around both Tokyo and Kyoto.  Plus you don't even need to lock the bike up.  Just park it.
  3. 5 Vending Machines per block is great but underwear vending machines are a bit weird.
  4. The train system is the best in the world, and super easy to figure out.
  5. Best Sushi
  6. Best steaks in the world.  I have no idea what they do but the $10 steak in Kyoto was better than any steak I have ever had in the US.  
  7. Never get in the way of 30 Japanese school girls and the Gucci store.
  8. Food is too pretty to eat at times.
  9. If you can put 50 buttons on something the Japanese will have 100.
  10. I never knew what I was missing until my toilet played music.


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